Root Out the Toxins

Have you found yourself thinking:

I don’t have hours to spend researching all these dangerous chemicals?

How do I keep up when every other week there’s a new ‘thing’ I shouldn’t let my kids be near?

I feel like I need a chemical engineering degree to read product labels.

You just want it to be easy which is why in my Chemical Clean Out workbook you’ll have all the most up-to-date information on harmful chemicals, their names and where to find them so

you never have to worry about things like ‘is this toothpaste actually safe’.

Heather Cates, owner of Finding Our Green Life

hey, I’m Heather

Wife, mom, dog mom, lover of coffee and emojis and of course, a green living fanatic.

Tired of spending hours researching household product safety? Feel like you need an industrial chemistry degree to read ingredient labels?

Feel like every where you turn people are talking about sustainable living but what does it even mean?

What if all it took were some small, easy changes? You’re in the right place!